Get more serious about assessing your human capital.
Assessments usually provide direction and shorten the learning-performance curve of your performers getting them to excel at what they do. In this, the inaccuracy of their assessments can derail their developmental curve which can be an exhaustive waste.
Such wastes can be avoided by using Excellmetrics™, (our online proprietary tool) by which ensures accuracy in personality profiling, multi-rater feedback, competency assessments and organisational surveys for your human capital.
Excellmetrics™ is an online, customisable, round-the clock, user-friendly, hassle-free tool which provides a high order of data security and accuracy.

“Know yourself and you will win all battles ” – Lao Tzu
Our 360 Degree Feedback is an end-to-end solution that can be customized to the specific requirements of the organizations. The exercise can be conducted for a small group of individuals or for groups of any size. This comprehensive solution includes questionnaire customization, rater nomination, online administration, reports preparation and individual coaching. The 360 Report contains easy to understand and interpret sections, from overview summary graphs and tables to detailed information on each competency, competency-wise gap analysis, rater-wise perception spread, areas of strength and development, hidden strengths and blind spots, and qualitative feedback sections.
Our Employee Engagement Survey is a custom-designed exercise, which acts as a barometer to determine the extent to which employees are passionate about their work and are emotionally committed to their company and to their co-workers. We use a culturally nuanced version of Sarah Cook’s WIFI© Model for assessing the level of employee engagement. We take care of the entire exercise from customization, online administration to data analysis wholesale led lights and multi-parametric report generation. Built-in with the exercise is the Action Planning Workshop that helps in translating the numbers and data into tangible actions for sustenance and improvement of the level of engagement.
Our Organizational Culture study is a custom-designed exercise that captures the various layers of the organization’s, its implicit and indiscernible core values, and their consensual interpretations about how things are and the way of life in the organization. We use the most practiced ‘CVF’ model of Quinn & Rohrbaugh’s and Udai Pareek’s ‘OCTAPACE’ respectively to assess the typological and dimensional aspects of the organizational culture. The survey is administered online using our proprietary tool Excellmetrics™. Multi-parametric demographical reports are followed by extensive Action Planning Workshops at the organizational and unit levels. Comprehensive organizational and unit-specific action plans to achieve the desired culture is the critical feature of our offering.
Teams fail to achieve synergy because they unknowingly fall prey to some of the natural but dangerous pitfalls and splinters. Designed for intact teams, our Team Synergy Map captures those pitfalls along with the building blocks to drive synergy. Based on the works of Patrick Lencioni, Gareth Morgan, Kristin Behfar and Geert Hofstede, our Team Synergy Map model consists of inter-related six Dimensions and three Pillars – six Team Synergy Dimensions and three Pillars of Team Environment, Team Norms and Shared Leadership. The online assessment and report generation is followed by an intense Action Planning Workshop to explore ways to prevent the team from the susceptibility to even one of the potentially lethal pitfalls and to build teamwork and synergy.
Our Executive Personality Profiling is a self-awareness and self-development exercise custom-designed for executives across levels in the organization. This profiling helps them understand their preferences and areas of strengths and development. Anchored by psychometric instruments and assessments, the exercise includes online administration of psychometric instruments, stakeholders mapping by using 5QfSM™ and the use of AI, self-assessment against organizational competencies using SAfSD™, report preparation for individual awareness and development, and one-on-one coaching for actionable results. Organizations use the individual’s Executive Personality Profiling reports for planning their career, developmental interventions and succession.
Competency Assessment is an online objective assessment of the proficiency levels of executives on the desired organizational or workgroup competencies. Depending on the requirement of the organization, the exercise is either just a self-assessment or an assessment by self and other stakeholders. The exercise includes assessment questionnaire preparation based on the behavioural indicators of each competency, online administration (self or self and others) and report generation. Both, the individual development reports for each executive and competency gap assessment reports for the organization, are prepared. Organizations use these reports for various developmental purposes for individuals and the groups.
The Pre-selection Profiling helps organizations select the right candidate for a specific role. Anchored on psychometric instruments and tests, the exercise has been specifically designed to suit recruitment at senior positions. This profiling provides managers with additional data points on the candidate’s personality, preferences and orientation. This is done through administration and analysis of a battery of psychometric instruments and tests followed by a comprehensive report being provided to the interviewing panel. When mapped against the job position, and the roles & responsibilities to be undertaken by the incumbent, the report becomes an invaluable aid in the selection decision.
The Custom Survey and Assessment provides a platform to academicians, researchers and organizations from any industry for setting up online surveys and assessments for the targeted group using our proprietary tool Excellmetrics™. In addition to providing a platform for customized assessments and surveys, the raw data (response data) is made available for making reports or for any further analysis. The tool can support any number of participants and has in-built options of all the different kinds of measurement scales.