The finesse that transforms a semi-skill into a strength.
Who do leaders turn to for guidance when they have to take high stake decisions or manage massive deliveries or work through people issues? Our seasoned coaches provide both clarity and direction along-with personalized step-by step implementable strategies for seniors leaders by:
- » Providing context-specific strategies and actions
- » Employing well defined measures to track individual progress
- » Applying a series of tools and frameworks to expedite performance
- » Respecting confidentiality
- » Focusing on application in client contexts
Our coaches guide senior leaders refine, align and meet their critical performance goals.

“The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources.” – Harvard Business Review
We consider coaching as one of the most effective tools available to take leadership development to a deeper and more sustainable level. Our leadership coaching intervention at the leadership level is right blend of individual, team, and organizational interventions. Leadership coaching is an individualized process that builds a leader’s capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals.
We personalize, customize, and conduct one-on-one coaching plan for a defined period oftime and with a specific business purpose in mind. Initially instituted to save derailing leaders, leadership team and top management coaching typically focuses on enhancing performance for leaders at the top most levels.
Worldwide demand is rising for talent who can succeed in today’s VUCA environment. At the same time, the supply of qualified talent appears to be diminishing. Empirical studies reveal that between 50 and 70 percent of organizations feel they are impacted by a shortage of qualified talent. The future of the organisation is its talent, and the reputation for building and supporting the potential of thekey employeesis thesignificant part of organization’s employer brand.
Our coaches work with your learning programmes, supporting high potential talent in key stretch roles or to consolidate formal learning in on-the–job practice. Our Hi-PotentialCoaching interventions help the HIPosnavigating the baseline without burning them out which could be the key to either retaining them with the company or seeing them skip out the door for “greener pastures”.
360 Degree feedback is often an emotional process. The need of a skilled coach to help the individual interpret the feedback, manage these emotions, and use the feedback as a catalyst for change and development is of upmost importance.
Our 360 Degree feedback coaching is a performance focused, results orientated partnership that aims to support and facilitate the coachee to understand and accept the data and then maximise its value in terms of improved performance and their development growth.One-on-one coaching interventions are available in 90 or 60 minute sessions, either in-person or virtual. Virtual group debriefing is available in a 60 minute session, focusing on orientation and interpretive guidance.
Research has shown that self-awareness is a powerful agent for lasting behavioural change, and the use of psychometric instruments is a great wayto build it.Assessments are potent tools to open new awareness and accelerate development. Our Instrument based coachinguse assessments combined with coaching facilitates growth in a personalized, practical, and powerful way.
The coaching intervention will use IROP, Typology, Team Roles and other instruments exhaustively to improve executives’ self-awareness and enable them to see how they are perceived by others and why this may be different from the impression they think they are making. Individual developmental report based on the scores of the instrument will build a strong foundation for personal coaching sessions. The coaching session will be highly individual-centric and will seek to optimize an executive’s potential, energies and motivations for improved performance.