Rising and Leading for Effectiveness.
To stay competitive and ahead in the digital age, organizations need to frequently retool, reassess and reposition their businesses. Yet, they ordinarily focus only on process and technology, and not their most important asset – employees. We strive to assist your organization define its purpose and core values, then inspire and reinforce the behaviours that deliver extraordinary lasting results.
Our organization effectiveness solutions bridge the gap between the strategy and employee performance to deliver maximum business results. We aim to transfer pragmatic, proven tools, methodologies and techniques into your organizational leaders and focus on facilitating effectiveness by an appropriate combination of consulting, training and coaching.

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker
We specialize in creating instructor-led training modules customized to the specific needs of the organization. We have a strong content development team which strictly follows the principles of adult learning to target the learner’s cognitive and affective senses to create superior and compelling training modules. Our delivery is the Training Kit that includes Presentation Deck, Facilitator’s Guide, Workbook, Games/ Exercises/ Activities, Role-plays, Caselets, Self-assessment Tests, Learning Quizzes and reference to Film Clips and Videos. A module facilitation workshop (TTT) is also offered to train the internal trainers on effectively facilitating the module. Additionally, we also have a repertoire of more than 50 off-the-shelf modules for organization to purchase and customize internally.
We develop Competency Framework for the organization or for specific roles that can be seamlessly integrated into various organizational processes. We map both technical and behavioral competencies for the role and their behavioral indicators. Our consultants use a combination of methodologies for data collection including behavioral event interviews, surveys, expert panel and focus groups. The Competency Framework is put through a rigorous validation process before handing it over to the organization. Additional services within organizational competencies include creating Competency-based Interviewing Guide, Competencies Development Guide and Competency Internalization interventions.
We prepare comprehensive Manuals and Guides for Human Resources and L&D functions. The Manuals and Guides, benchmarked with the best industry practices and aligned with the organization’s vision and values, are supported by required templates, checklists, flowcharts, forms and formats. These Manuals act as one-source reference document to the employees for organizational HR and L&D policies and procedures. The Manual captures complete information on exercising the policies in a transparent, fair, equitable and consistent manner. We do a thorough diagnosis of the written and practiced policies and processes, do an expectations mapping of the desired state and benchmark with the best practices to create an operational Manual for the organization.
HR and OD interventions, specifically critical and large scale ones, are often aimed at bringing about a significant change with clearly defined objectives and deliverables. However, not all interventions deliver promised results. Measuring the deliverables and thus tracking the success of the initiatives is an imperative. Reducing marginal benefit becomes too steep to carry on the intervention at some point of time. We conduct efficacy study of such interventions and come out with findings and suggestions to give a new lease of life to them. The study involves online surveys, focus groups and interviews with the target groups and the key stakeholders. Findings along with recommendations are presented in the form of a Report.
We prepare role-specific Aptitude Tests to help organizations in screening candidates during the selection process. The Tests include multiple-choice questions to assess candidate’s Numerical abilities, Analytical abilities, Language proficiency and Domain knowledge. Depending on the role, we also include sections that contain case-let analysis, situation analysis and qualitative questions. A customization study is conducted with the key stakeholders to map the skills to be assessed and the expected level of proficiency. We provide organizations with readymade Tests of multiple sets or provide them a pool of multiple-choice questions to create online Tests using software. Where required, we also conduct an internal norm testing to arrive at the cut-off scores for the Tests.
Our attempt through the engagement in creating organization’s Vision, Mission and Values (VMV) is to navigate the profanity generally associated with an initiative like this one, and bring to the participating members the inherent value that it truly represents. We treat this as a change management initiative which is not as much about creating the VMV per say, but about driving it as an everyday reality and allowing it to reach and reformulate the very DNA of the organization. Led by a panel of consultants with credible industry experience, this intervention includes a thorough groundwork, organization value diagnostics, VMV creation, its communication and finally, VMV internalization. An audit of the efficacy of the VMV and review is an integral part of the offering.